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Laoag City, Ilocos Region, Philippines
Res Ipsa Loquitor

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Natalia Realty, Inc. vs. Department of Agrarian Reform 225 SCRA 278 (1993)

Natalia Realty, Inc. vs. Department of Agrarian Reform 
225 SCRA 278 (1993)
Petitioner Natalia Realty, Inc. is the owner of a 125.0078-ha land set aside by Presidential Proclamation No. 1637 (1979) as townsite area for the Lungsod Silangan Reservation. Estate Developers and Investors Corporation (EDIC), the developer of the area, was granted preliminary approval and locational clearances by the then Human Settlements Regulatory Commission (HSRC) for the establishment of the Antipolo Hills Subdivision therein. In November 1990, a Notice of Coverage was issued by DAR on the undeveloped portion of the landholding. The developer filed its objections and filed this case imputing grave abuse of discretion to respondent DAR for including the undeveloped portions of its landholding within the coverage of CARP.
Are lands already classified for residential, commercial or industrial use, and approved by HLURB and its precursor agencies prior to 15 June 1988, covered by RA 6657?

Sec. 4 of RA 6657 states that the CARL covers "regardless of tenurial arrangement and commodity produced, all public and private and agricultural lands" and as per the transcripts of the Constitutional Commission, "agricultural lands" covered by agrarian reform refers only to those which are "arable and suitable lands" and "do not include commercial, industrial and residential lands." The land subject of the controversy has been set aside for the Lungsod Silangan Reservation by Proclamation No. 1637 prior to the effectivity of RA 6657 and in effect converted these lands into residential use. Since the Natalia lands were converted prior to 15 June 1988, DAR is bound by such conversion, and thus it was an error to include these within the coverage of CARL.

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